I ran across someone that I was quite certain was at the Boxxy Meet in July, so I messaged him and ask if I could ask some questions about it. When I asked the questions he responded with what follows.
Note, I post this and his name with his permission.
The first is in response to who is he in the video:
Yes i was there and i am the guy in the red shirt and tight pants, im sitting at the table, im walking in the front of the group towards the house and i was the one talking to the woman that lived there
but here is what happened that day
This is a copy and paste of what he wrote to me, with Boxxy's last name redacted out:
i saw the boxxpeace thing on b and i actually believed that there would be a reasonable turnout of btards in their masks, so i wanted to go and laugh and see how creepy people could really be. i brought 2 cars full of people. we got to the park and there was one small other group of people there and they were sitting on the other side of the playground. we sat around waiting for something to happen because we didnt want to leave right away, and they came over and the "biker fag" had his camera on and was asking us retarded questions using /b/ terminology it was kind of sad actually. we asked him where is boxxys house and he said its a mile that way so, my friend michael with the blonde mullet in the video, went and stole the nicest flowers he could find across the street from the park to give to boxxy.
we all got in our cars and followed the "biker fag" to the house, we parked up the street and started walking back. (at this point in time and still, i am not sure whether that is her house or not, but since you say you understand it wasnt then whatever) we walked to her front porch, found the chair leaning against the gate and laughed for a minute. i reached through the gate and moved the chair quietly and opened the gate, while my friend michael ran to the door rang the doorbell then came back and we put the chair back how it was. we waited, i saw someone with dark hair run in front of a window that looked like they were running down stairs, then less than a second later an older blonde woman opened an upstairs window and i asked for catherine ______, i was the only one that was talking, she said she lived here alone, and didnt give her name, she obviously didnt live there alone if someone ran by a window on the opposite side of the house, so i didnt really care what she said, i just didnt want to get in trouble by the police. she said the police have notified her that her address was on the internet and to stay inside and she asked us to go. we didnt believe her so we left flowers and there was really nothing much else to do. so we went home.
after we left the smaller group that came over and talked to us spelled out anon in flower pedals and stole flowers of their own, they were gay. then they went back to the park after we left and thats when supposedly boxxys ex or w/e was there. i was gone at that point so thats all i can tell you
This responder reveals his name as being Matt. I assume he must be the Matt that ED refers to as having "led" people to Boxxy's house (and that I referred to in my last post on this), though as he tells us above, he was following "biker fag".
His account brought some questions that I addressed to Matt; but he did not answer:
"I was thinking there were two houses, as for instance the one in the video; doesn't have a gate, unless the gate is on another side.
The one I understood to really be her house, and which seems strongly to be confirmed by photographic evidence of pictures taken by Boxxy of herself at her house, has the wooden fence. Here's some of that photographic evidence: http://boxxyphenomenon.blogspot.com/2009/09/boxxy-peace-meet-and-boxxyfest.html"
Uhh, whatevs. Maybe we'll get the full story one day.
ReplyDeleteThis could be a convincing troll
ReplyDeletehey phenom, u know despite leaving boxxys name out of recent posts u left it in the labels/tags of previous posts?
ReplyDeleteI agree, you're making it too easy.
ReplyDeleteAn address also appears in the boxxymeet flyer, even if Boxxy doesn't lives there, it must not be funny to the current residents.
Also, check http://www.unichan.info/b/
I can't believe I'm actually doing "what's best for her"...
Don't know how old this pic is:
Anyone seen this before?
she looks gorgeous
Aboyt the unichan link, the Boxxy board was down for some hours because the admins thought this vid was legit:
While it seems tempting to feel it as true, we've yet to see Boxxy's opinion on this.
Also, that pic seems to be from a Boxxy look-alike.
I'm interested to know how boxxy phenomenon feels about this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kz17-mQUioA
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous October 4, 2009 11:09 PM
ReplyDeleteThe only address is to the park. Who cares if people go to the park. What has that to do with Boxxy?
And you have to be registered for that link, so what's on their in specific that you want me to see?
Anonymous said October 8, 2009 9:46 PM
ReplyDeleteI'm just seeing the video tonight, as I've not paid attention to any Boxxy stuff for a week and a half.
I'm planning to post on it as soon as I get a chance. Ironically the last time I was in the Boxxsphere (so to speak) I was engaged in a discussion about what if Boxxy asked us all to stop.
Forget the other vids, this is the one that counts:
Phenom, PLEASE give me an email at cantcheesethis@live.com
ReplyDeletethese guys have to stop...
ReplyDeleteOk so i was on 4chan and i saw this
ReplyDeleteI am not sure if its her and if its an old photo and already been around all over the place
catie all grown up
All I see, just like you said, is an intelligent girl. An intelligent girl that made intelligent jokes. At least 3 of them. And millions of retards who didn't get it and another bunch of thousands who didn't get the fact it's not her fault some people are too limited to get those same jokes.
ReplyDeleteI don't love her, I don't hate her. But sure as fuck I'd love to be able to contact her. To meet her (which I know she would never let happen), to know her. Both for the sorry I feel for this whole situation and because I'm extremely convinced she'd be the most interesting person to know.
I don't think she's happy. I don't think she's that much sad. I think she just wants to be left the fuck alone and for people to grow up.
by the way, I posted that comment without even reading the links in the first comments.
ReplyDeleteI didn't even know about that supposed "cate talks on the phone telling everyone to leave her the fuck alone" thing or w/e.
I'm guessing what they say is true. It takes a genius to know another.
Actually, now that I've seen those links, I don't even wish I'd meet her, but I'd like to see her for myself, a few seconds stalk from far away. Believe she was okay.
ReplyDelete"How can we win when fools can be kings." - Muse (2006)
Sidenote: I only found out about boxxy tonight. How long can it take to realize whats in her head.
ReplyDeleteYou believed Eyrev (cantcheesthis@live.com), right?
He always messes with other Boxxy pages/shrines and destroys them.
You have been fooled, but you have redemption. Just continue with your work.
Also this:
wow... you people are such creeps. as annoying as she was growing up i actually feel bad that theres shit like this dedicated to her. you want to meet her? you want to ~know~ her? christ, get a life. shes just a chick in high school about to go blend in with the real world. the persona is dead, quit poking at it from 6 feet above.
ReplyDeletehey phenom, did you get the killwebs pics of boxxy?
ReplyDeleteit's written in her ed article....
ReplyDeleteEyrev (cantcheesthis@live.com) convinced the author to stop updating the site.
ReplyDeleteHe did the same with boxxystory.blogspot.com and boxxychan.blogspot.com.
Wonder how he did that, perhaps he gave Phenom a private video of Boxxy, asking everyone to leave her alone. Or perhaps he just lied.
ReplyDelete...Or maybe cantcheesthis@live.com is Boxxy?
Please start updating, this is the best source for new boxxy information
ReplyDeletei dont know what exactly is going on here and why all blogs about boxxy are not updated anymore, but im still very interested in this topic.
also; anyone interested in discussions about the whole phenomenon including boxxy? please email me
id love to get some more information, seriously !
"Blackninja99" sorry sorry my bad
ReplyDeletei live exactly 20 minutes from her, my friend googled her and she lives in roseville, so thats really close to me.
hehe toodles.
ReplyDeletei know some stuff you dont..
No, the best site now for Boxxy information is http://unichan.org
ReplyDeleteIt's over now. Just leave her alone.
ReplyDeleteu can say me were lives Boxxy pleaseeee????? :O
i wanna know were lives.
write me to magmyr01@hotmail.com thanks!!!!!!!!!11
i don't wanna go to were she lives only know where lives or her meesenger or something of she
ReplyDeletei love boxxyyyyy!!!!!!
thanks magmyr01@hotmail.com
boxxy is 2faced
ReplyDeletewat is up whit boxxy she got kill or something?????????? tell me
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody still use this blogsite?
ReplyDeleteLooks clear that:
ReplyDelete- This site is dead, along with all other Boxxy sites (blogs/forums). Only exception seems to be unichan.org.
- Boxxy is not dead, she just doesn't like people messing with her in real life. So she stopped uploading vids with the hope people would forget about the little box.
ReplyDeleteI think she would have been done with this if she had embraced it like Magibon and lonelygirl did. Who cares about those two anymore? Don't they have acting careers now?
ReplyDeleteThe fact that she left mysteriously and never spoke again left everyone wanting more (like a striptease.) I believe that the only way she can truly get everyone to forget is by answering their requests. This is NEVER going to die.
I doubt she ever will, then 6 months from now a new video will emerge of her in a school play or mowing her lawn or something stupid and the craze will start again.
I hope she moves on, but I doubt it.
May 27 Annonymous. I agree that her best bet would have been to embrace it; especially since it hasn't gone away hardly at all anyway; even after a year and a half.
ReplyDeleteShe made her self a commodity and highly sought after target of mystique created by the mystery due to sudden her rise, then sudden and almost complete with draw.
She should have, and probably still should just do a video as herself. Answer some of the pressing questions, take the awe out of it, and it'll begin to move on.
Or she could keep Boxxy going, do more vids in character, sell merchandse and make tons of money. But hiding just makes people want to find her, and wonder what happened to her.
May 19 Annonymous.
ReplyDeleteThis was comatose, but not dead? BoxxyPhenomenon has been revived :P
you guys should stop harrasing boxxy she finished with her videos because of the media and you guys she was just expressing herself and you guys ruined it for her. my gosh guys i know u miss her but if you keep this up she will never be back.... sigh
ReplyDeleteHello boxxy community i am the Vista hax0r and i state that boxy was an amazing girl and she inspired me to make my site Haxor ninjas after a long time of keeping things in i now spread my wings as she once did and many ruined it for her cause of all ur crap and ur life being misterable she just wanted to express herself in a way she only can and thats why she is loved
ReplyDeleteWe follow the boxxy saga at
Chat with us visit us
(not opened yet but W.e come lolz)
I <3 you Boxxy =D
something new ??????
ReplyDeleteSHES BAAACK! :D
Phenom said OCTOBER 11, 2009 1:06 AM
ReplyDelete"I was engaged in a discussion about what if Boxxy asked us all to stop."
Well, well, well. Someone is getting the idea.
Catie has been through a lot, like many others have posted before me, and it got me and a few other anons thinking- "It probably sucks that she has to stay inside and off the internet because her address is out there, and she's being stalked." July 26th 2010, me and a friend are going to give her a letter, it'll be an apology with a few other things in there. I don't really expect this to have as big of an effect as her coming back (I hope she doesn't, just for her sake) or for a response. We just want her to be happy, and to know that there are people that want to help her out (and are trying).
so its been 10 months since this blog post... whats the latest? What is she up to now? Anymore videos?
ReplyDeleteWhat if we started a collection for her? Remember, her last convo where she said she was getting nothing in return and therefore it was not worth the hassle?
ReplyDeleteMoney talks and bs walks. If that girl was handed a lump sum of cash perhaps she would see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Apologies are just verbal gratuities, they won't help pay the bills.
She is now in college so extra cash always comes in handy with students.
She has so many followers, that we could easily raise several of thousand $$$ for her.
Also, some funds could be raised and deal could be struck with Moot and allow Catie to exist as her famous character without ever mentioning his site again.
ReplyDeleteI think the missing ingredient in all this is money.
If you line the right persons money, legally with some cash. We could have a comeback from Catie.
Phenom, in June you said this blog was coming back? It's almost September now, and I was wondering if you really were.
ReplyDeleteI don't much care if you do or not, since I've basically grown out of Boxxy by now, although it would be cool to see something new about it.
Well this blog is dead :(
ReplyDeleteare they done posting on this blog forever? D:
ReplyDeleteIm not "Anon" so yeah
ReplyDeleteAlef321 said...
I know its been like months since someone posted something but yeah...I TOTALY AGREE- Peaplo should send Mail with 1 to 10 dollars to her saying that we love her and we want Q&A videos, after some epic shoutout peaplo would simpli stop stalking her . the problem was that she was banned from internet...no last video,no goodbyes...nothing. So please ,Someone from RosseVille send her some money and tell her to make a last shoutoot or something similar, I BEG , PLEASE! FOR HER SAKE!
Currently Dec, apperently there is nothing more.. But after reading through some of this glad to know she isn't really dead.. but just "dead" as in Online and whatnot... Even though I'd like to just talk to her, somehow, just because I think she would have one hell of a story and personality after all the shit people have put her through... Wish I could've met her, but I know there is no way in hell I am able, from being far away and if I was to somehow spot her, she would run away, in fear of the stalkers.. Can someone please tell Boxxy that she inspires me to an extent, my life hasn't been easy, just aswell as her, when I was ready to just give up on life, I found that there is a way to continue, you just have to find it in yourself...
ReplyDelete@Zack you are wrong!
ReplyDeleteBoxxy is back!
Her email is lwayne202@comcast.net
ReplyDeletegoogle it and see. Donate to her Paypal.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the details of this story! It was well written as well.