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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Boxxy Peace Meet Story From An Eye Witness

Alright, yet another version of the Boxxy Meet story; but with the most detail yet.

I ran across someone that I was quite certain was at the Boxxy Meet in July, so I messaged him and ask if I could ask some questions about it. When I asked the questions he responded with what follows.

Note, I post this and his name with his permission.

The first is in response to who is he in the video:

Yes i was there and i am the guy in the red shirt and tight pants, im sitting at the table, im walking in the front of the group towards the house and i was the one talking to the woman that lived there
but here is what happened that day

This is a copy and paste of what he wrote to me, with Boxxy's last name redacted out:

i saw the boxxpeace thing on b and i actually believed that there would be a reasonable turnout of btards in their masks, so i wanted to go and laugh and see how creepy people could really be. i brought 2 cars full of people. we got to the park and there was one small other group of people there and they were sitting on the other side of the playground. we sat around waiting for something to happen because we didnt want to leave right away, and they came over and the "biker fag" had his camera on and was asking us retarded questions using /b/ terminology it was kind of sad actually. we asked him where is boxxys house and he said its a mile that way so, my friend michael with the blonde mullet in the video, went and stole the nicest flowers he could find across the street from the park to give to boxxy.

we all got in our cars and followed the "biker fag" to the house, we parked up the street and started walking back. (at this point in time and still, i am not sure whether that is her house or not, but since you say you understand it wasnt then whatever) we walked to her front porch, found the chair leaning against the gate and laughed for a minute. i reached through the gate and moved the chair quietly and opened the gate, while my friend michael ran to the door rang the doorbell then came back and we put the chair back how it was. we waited, i saw someone with dark hair run in front of a window that looked like they were running down stairs, then less than a second later an older blonde woman opened an upstairs window and i asked for catherine ______, i was the only one that was talking, she said she lived here alone, and didnt give her name, she obviously didnt live there alone if someone ran by a window on the opposite side of the house, so i didnt really care what she said, i just didnt want to get in trouble by the police. she said the police have notified her that her address was on the internet and to stay inside and she asked us to go. we didnt believe her so we left flowers and there was really nothing much else to do. so we went home.

after we left the smaller group that came over and talked to us spelled out anon in flower pedals and stole flowers of their own, they were gay. then they went back to the park after we left and thats when supposedly boxxys ex or w/e was there. i was gone at that point so thats all i can tell you

This responder reveals his name as being Matt. I assume he must be the Matt that ED refers to as having "led" people to Boxxy's house (and that I referred to in my last post on this), though as he tells us above, he was following "biker fag".

His account brought some questions that I addressed to Matt; but he did not answer:

"I was thinking there were two houses, as for instance the one in the video; doesn't have a gate, unless the gate is on another side.

The one I understood to really be her house, and which seems strongly to be confirmed by photographic evidence of pictures taken by Boxxy of herself at her house, has the wooden fence. Here's some of that photographic evidence:"

Uhh, whatevs. Maybe we'll get the full story one day.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

New Boxxy Video - Boxxy Doing Thriller Dance

The real Boxxy, Cate, doing the Michael Jackson Thriller Dance with her theatre troupe.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kanye Even Interrupts Boxxy - See Video

It just doesn't stop with Kanye West

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Boxxy Peace Meet and BoxxyFest

Following up on the The Meet Boxxy Try all information suggests that the Boxxy Peace losers Meeters did end up at Boxxy's house. There are two stories:

1. They initially did go to a wrong address that was on the net. Yet, after meeting with Boxxy's ex-boyfriend Dan, he took them to her actual house.

2. Some guy named Matt who was there knew where she lived and lead everyone there.

This was in doubt; but the following pics seem to confirm:

Boxxy Meet

Boxxy Meet 2

Boxxy Meet

They tried to then have a BoxxyFest on August 31; claiming Boxxy would be there, but of course she was never coming. From a picture I saw seems like about 3 people showed up. Complete fail!

Here's the flyer for it:

BoxxPeace Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Why Boxxy Is A Phenomenon Pt 1, Why She Is So Loved

Part 2 will be why she is so hated.

In the thread of a picture and music tribute video on youtube, following the return of Boxxy in leaked videos of her hanging with friends at an acting festival (conference); a user asked the following.

“This obsession we all have is becoming unhealthy. What does this girl have that we can't get enough of?”

From the video title “bawxsy”

That certainly is the question.

A lot of people want to chalk it up to just virgin 13 year olds or pedo-old men wanting to bang her; but that's far too simple and clearly not the truth as there are many very attractive women all over youtube, and a lot with their luscious boobs hanging out. And while some of them may be quite popular, they're not obsessed over like Boxxy. There aren't a thousand parody and tribute videos to them.

Plus that wouldn't explain Boxxy's hetero-female fan base. And Boxxy while adorably cute, is not thmost e gorgeous person or physically fine woman to droll over on the internet. There are easily sexier women on the net to fond over; and there are plenty of other very adorable and sweet teenage girls video blogging. Yet none have gone epic anywhere like Boxxy has.


I think that it's that her joy seemed to be pure and from deep inside; and is hence infectious. As one of her fans put it, something like, in this dark shithole of a world she was a beacon of joy and happiness.

And then I think there are two camps with that. Those who bask in dark and bitter feelings and abhor her joy; and then those who she makes feel good and therefore adore her joyous presentation.

Also, her videos contain a certain distinct sense of humor there that you either get or don't get.

Some people called her presentation childishly stupid. To the contrary, what’s so great about it is that she used child like ways to show unbridled enthusiasm and happiness; the kind we all once had but lost as we grew into adolescence and became anxious, and then now jaded.

Further, her ability to pull it off and have it seem genuine (to the point that most dumb asses didn’t even realize that it’s just a performance; but thinks that she has ADHD, is on drugs, has tourettes, or is just retarded); is brilliant. Her use of eye contact (very important communication technique); visual effects with merely a dark back ground, spot light on her face, dark shirt and some eyeliner; and her spastastic movements that had some declare she surely has tourettes because it would be impossible to fake such a performance maintained for so long (though she was faking); made for a captivating performance that evoked deep (and often emotional) reactions of both joy and adoration, ans well rage and hate; exactly what art is supposed to do.

To sum, I think her draw was 3-fold: non-obvious, but ever present humor; strong visual affects/slash communication techniques, and exuding a pure, unbridled sense of joy which I think connects with a lot of peoples own good feeling of reminiscent childhood happiness; before all the shit.

Add to that a fourth element which is multi-pronged; that being the whole phenomenon and mystery that was built around her by the time things had blown up on a certain image board and migrated back to youtube when she released the third Boxxy video.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

About the July Boxxy Videos

Alright in the Quick Story of Boxxy post I mentioned the new Boxxy videos that came out on July 12, 2009:

new video was released to the internet that was only a couple of months old, of Boxxy at a week long Thespian Festival (she’s a drama club geek) in L.A. The two videos show her sitting with friends in a banquet hall, and then on a bus. As her friend yam it up for the camera; Boxxy stays out of picture except about 15 to 20 seconds and barely speaks.

She does not address the internetz or her status as Boxxy. Subsequently with in a couple of days, her friends from the video would have their myspace's trolled where the newest Boxxy pictures yet were found; including many from the Festival that she’s attending in the video.

Here are the videos:

The back story to the videos release:

Someone involved in the video, though no one will yet say who; leaked it to one of the mods at a Boxxy fan community called iheartboxxy. This mod shared it with other mods. The word got around the board that they had new Boxxy video,and 4chan /b/tards who'd infiltrated the site threatened that they'd better release the video or else their site would be attacked.

So the page the July12th was created and the two vids where loaded.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Latest Boxxy Update - The Meet Boxxy Try

This past Saturday some complete fails met up together and tried to go meet Boxxy at what they believe to be her house. I'm leaning towards it not being the right house anyway from recent information that I've seen; after I initially thought there is a good chance that they have the right address, since it is registered to a couple that has Boxxy's last name.

Anyway, when no one answered the door, the lames got back into their caravan of gremlins and went to meet up with Dan. Dan is Boxxy's ex-boy friend from around the time that she was making the original Boxxy videos, that Kira mentions introduced her to 4chan.

Dan engages in a weird impromptu to interview, where the youtuber recording the encounter continually prompts Dan about whether or not he did her. It was like being back in junior high standing around lying about the tail you got, or didn't get but just smiled and led everyone on to believe you did.

The videographer for some reason made his video private the next day; which I didn't understand since he knew that clips of it had already been posted on another channel (he commented to them). So the Dan interview portion of the video is still out there, though the fails going to Boxxy at her supposed house part isn't, as far as I know.

Not worth watching, so I'm not sharing the vid. I don't think she needs her sexual life, whatever it is or isn't, being put on blast.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hi, My Name Is Catie

So here is one of those details that I mentioned leaving out of the Quick Story of Boxxy

Via the "hackers" that fished her email account and got her password, it was put out that she'd had a prior youtube channel. This is when her first name was first learned as she starts the video with the title of this post.

Foolish people go on the video and deny that it's her; but it's as well confirmed as anything.

Here is her pre-Boxxy video; which predates the FOAR 4DD1 FRUM BOXXY video by about a year.

There's another video on this channel, but you can't see her on camera. Only her, and what appears to be a friend playing around in a room. One holding the camera, the other's face covered by a pillow.

Quick Story of Boxxy - Who Is She

Alright, here's the backstory:

In 2007 a 15 year old girl goes on Gaia onling and becomes an active member.

As described by youtube user ChaosBW in the comments to FOAR ANT FRUM BOXXY {}

“Gaia or Gaiaonline is a website that you creat an avatar on and you have your own profile page and you can talk in forums go to towns, fish, do puzzles, fight in the battle system, and other stuff.How do I know all this? Because I am a gaiafag which is what people from 4chan call people tht go to gaia which is why most 4channers hate boxxy, other than the fact that she's so damn hyper active.”

In November December of that year she decides to make videos thanking and praising a couple of her gaia friends [FOAR 4DD1 FRUM BOXXY and FOAR ANT FRUM BOXXY] where she uses internet leet speak for the spelling of words in the titles.

These videos languish in obscurity with just a couple hundred views each for a year, until in December of 2008 when a poster at posted it on that video forum. The thread quickly blew up with numerous comments; then the embed disappeared, increasing the emerging madness as users went on a search to find Boxxy.

Soon it was picked up by other online forums that are mostly frequented by teenagers and young adults; and unfortunately for Boxxy, her image and link to the video was posted on 4chan’s /b/. 4chan is a forum site that uses letters to title each of its many image boards within the site. 4chan, and especially /b/ is a dark and evil place that I suggest you never go to; plus they don’t want you there as you will be greeted with the derision of “newfag” for not knowing the rules, inside jokes and what can loosely be title etiquette of their esoteric world; and you will probably be banned if you ask stupid questions. I suggest you self-ban, and save your soul by never going there.

Anyway, Boxxy became an “If your rage you lose” and an “If you fall in love you lose” endurance test. Well one group of /b/tards lost and fell in love, and the other group of /b/tards lost by raging. Well the two sets of losers where headed for conflict, egged on by what I suspect was a third group in the middle, neither in love nor exactly raging; but seeing an opportunity for the lulz.

The more the Boxxy love-losers posted on Boxxy, the more the Boxxy hate-losers raged. The more the haters raged, the more the lulz seekers wanted to poster her. Soon Boxxy took over the /b/ image board, comprising the majority of the threads on the board for 2 days. /B/tards trolled the shit out of each other, then DOSed (denial of service) there own site to force the mods to autoban Boxxy post.

They now use this self trolling as an excuse to justify harassing and threatening this teenage girl, as if she were the one constantly posting herself on their forum.

Naively not knowing what epic fags /b/tards are, Boxxy tried to humbly quail all the hubbub around her by posting a new video in early January 2009; where she no longer referred to 4chan by name as she had in the Ant video (as again they don’t like newfags being alerted to their site and coming there), asserted that she wasn’t trolling, and declared that she was no longer a “gaiafag”.

This only made her go astropherically epic. The internetz went batshit bonkers over the re-emergency of Boxxy. Her lovers crowned her the Queen of /b/ while at the same time her haters determined that she was “the cancer that’s killing /b/".

They trolled and fished various internet accounts of hers, finally obtaining passwords to her email, myspace, and youtube accounts; possibly among others.

They took down her videos, and put one up in its place threatening her to never post again.

The /b/tards who did this, calling themselves the CBCR (center for boxxy control and restriction) claimed they did so for her own good because the other group of Anonymous /b/tards had instituted Operation Valkyrie to track her down and supposedly hurt her. (we must note that Anonymous only talks a good game, but never actually physically steps to anyone) Nonetheless the CBCR received backlash from Boxxy lovers and haters alike after they went back to /b/ and fame-whored for credit about what they did. Their leader Eyrev then being tremendously butt-hurt that he wasn’t hailed a hero; ridiculously tried to claim they were martyrs.

Anyway, Boxxy has left the internetz under siege. She’s not made a video since [Edited to add: until now, Jan 11 2011, she back as user anewhopeee on youtube], nor does she any longer have any public accounts on any forums or social network sites.

Her name and location (city wise) have been tracked down and confirmed. Even year book pictures of what looks like probably 8th and 9th grade have been leaked.

It’s said that Anonymous has made phone contact with her. Various addresses have been surmised; but none have been confirmed to my satisfaction.

Since her January release of FOAR EVERYWUN FRUM BOXXY, the only Boxxy videos that have been out are the 15 – 25 parody, tribute, and hate videos made about Boxxy weekly on youtube; and the only new Boxxy material has been the periodical leak of a few dozen pictures.

That's until on July 12, 2009, new video was released to the internet that was only a couple of months old, of Boxxy at a week long Thespian Festival in Ontario California, about 40 miles east of L.A. (she’s a drama club geek). The two videos show her sitting with friends in a banquet hall, and then on a bus. As her friend yam it up for the camera; Boxxy stays out of picture except about 15 to 20 seconds and barely speaks.

She does not address the internetz or her status as Boxxy. Subsequently with in a couple of days, her friends from the video would have their myspace's trolled where the newest Boxxy pictures yet were found; including many from the Festival that she’s attending in the video.

Okay, that wasn’t that short; but there’s actually a lot more details. I can’t believe I actually know all this.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Why This Blog

Boxxy Phenonmenon is here to chronicle and study the epic phenomenon that is one teenage cam-girl's (named BoxxyBabee) rise to viral internet sensation without trying; and her persistent staying power despite leaving the internet.

This is both for sociological study, but also entertainment.

If you're not familiar with Boxxy, watch.

More of the backstory of rise and fall later.